The Pastor’s Guide to Christian Book Publishing: Essential Tips for Success

Jul 25, 2024

The Ultimate Checklist of Christian Book Publishing Recommendations for Church Leaders and Aspiring Christian Authors

At The Church Online, we’ve had the privilege of helping hundreds of pastors turn their insights and sermons into published books. If you’re looking for how to write a Christian novel, how to publish a devotional book, or seeking guidance from Christian book publishers, but you aren’t sure where to start, you’re in the right place. Based on our extensive experience, here are 18 indispensable tips to ensure your next book launch is a resounding success.

Identify Your Audience

Before you start writing, clearly define who you are writing for. Is your book aimed at new believers, long-time church members, or other church leaders? This insight may lead you to write a devotional, compile a book of sermons, or create a fictional story teaching valuable faith lessons. Understanding your target readers will help shape your content to resonate and engage effectively.

Clarify Your Core Message

What is the central theme or message of your book? A clear, compelling message is crucial for creating a coherent and impactful book. Whether it’s about spiritual growth, leadership, or biblical study, make sure every chapter ties back to this central theme.

Establish a Writing Routine

Writing a book is a marathon, not a sprint. Set up a consistent writing schedule that fits into your daily or weekly routine. Regular writing slots will help you maintain a steady pace and keep the project moving forward, but it’s also important to create an easy way to record your thoughts anytime inspiration hits. Maybe you prefer to record voice notes on your phone, or you carry a physical notepad on you at all times. Make it as convenient as possible to have all your thoughts organized in one place.

Engage Early with Your Congregation

Your congregants can be a great resource. Share your ideas, gather feedback, or test chapters during sermons or small group sessions. If this book is for other church leaders, reach out to your peers instead. This engagement not only enriches your material but also builds anticipation and support within your community.

Consider Making Your Book Interactive

Readers often seek more than static information; they want engagement and practical application. Consider enhancing your book with interactive elements that can deepen the reader’s connection to the material and provide actionable steps. Consider incorporating an accompanying workbook, a section at the end of each chapter for personal reflection, or a checklist of actions that the reader can take while reading. If you have additional material, add a QR code linking to relevant videos, podcasts, or online seminars that expand on your chapters. 

Master Social Media Marketing

Platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Threads are excellent for generating interest and keeping your audience informed and excited about the upcoming release. Grow your following and leverage social media beforehand by sharing writing updates and teasing content. After the book is launched, share quotes, book reviews, photos from your book signings, and other exciting news.

Additionally, set yourself apart with professionally-made, premium content. The Church Online can create captivating carousel posts sharing book reviews, excerpts, and stunning animated quotes using your voice!

Collaborate for Broader Insight

Consider collaborating with other pastors or authors who can bring additional perspectives to your book. This can broaden your book’s appeal and help you reach an even larger audience and can be done by co-authoring a book entirely or asking others to write the book’s foreword or a specific passage.

Professional Input is Key

Hire an agency to enhance the organization, clarity, and style of your book, ensuring the final product is polished and professional. This includes formatting, editing, and creating a proper layout for both print and digital versions so that your book meets industry standards and provides a seamless reading experience. It would also be wise to hire an agency to design the cover, review your manuscript, and aid in distribution.

Leverage A Top Christian Publisher

Collaborating with top Christian book publishers and a reputable Christian book company can significantly enhance your book’s reach and impact. At The Church Online, we are proud to be recognized as a leading Christian publisher with over 20 years of experience. We can help you with everything from designing the cover and reviewing your manuscript to aiding in distribution. These partnerships ensure your message is professionally presented and widely distributed.

Utilize Beta Readers

Before finalizing your manuscript, consider using beta readers, individuals who read your book before publication, and provide feedback. Beta readers can offer valuable insights into areas that might need improvement, helping you refine your work to better meet the needs of your audience. 

Seek Endorsements

Once your manuscript is finalized, send people copies ahead of time and ask them for testimonials to be put in the book’s foreword or on the back cover. You can also ask them to post those reviews online as soon as the book is officially published.

In turn, make sure you thank the individuals who have contributed to your book’s existence. You can thank them in the book, and it would also be best to send them a letter and copy of the book thanking them for their influence and contribution.

Think Beyond Traditional Distribution

Explore self-publishing options if traditional distribution routes seem restrictive. Platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing can offer more control over the distribution process and faster go-to-market times.

Understand Copyright and Legalities

Ensure you understand the basics of copyright law and how it applies to your work. This includes securing the rights to any quotes or third-party content you use and considering the benefits of registering your copyright. Consulting with a legal expert can help protect your intellectual property and avoid potential legal issues.

Create a Book Trailer

A book trailer allows your words to be brought to life, giving people a glimpse of what to expect. The Church Online has an incredibly talented Video team, and we’ve had the honor of creating countless promotional videos for authors, like this one for Frederick Smith’s “Seeing God in All Seasons” and Dr. Montele A. Crawford’s “Anatomy of Faith.”

Build an Author Website

An author website is an essential tool for building a loyal readership and maintaining ongoing engagement with your audience, centralizing all information related to your book in one location. This site can include your biography, a free chapter of your book, a calendar of upcoming events, media resources, and purchasing links. It also serves as a platform to collect email addresses for a newsletter, keeping your audience engaged with updates and future book releases. 

See the website we recently created for Thomas A. White’s Christian mystery novel meets self-help book, Forging Steele. It features a promotional video (created by The Church Online!), links to purchase his book and to his Facebook page, and an announcement teasing his next release. 

Plan a Strategic Launch

A successful launch requires careful planning. Once you’ve created plenty of content to share, start promoting, encourage early reviews, and secure testimonials from credible sources within your field. These elements can dramatically increase your book’s visibility and credibility right from the start. Consider launching either a traditional or virtual book tour as well.

The Church Online’s team has helped clients reach bestseller status before and can leverage things like pre-orders, choosing the right categorizations, and our relationships with booksellers and distribution channels to help you get there, too!

Open Up Community Engagement Opportunities

You might set up a dedicated online forum or social media group where readers can discuss the book, share insights, and ask questions. You could also share a list of open-ended discussion points to encourage book clubs to use. This not only builds a community around your book but also keeps the conversation going beyond the last page.

Keep the Momentum Post-Launch

After the launch, continue to promote your book through various channels, like hosting webinars, participating in podcasts, and engaging in speaking events. Monitor feedback and sales to tweak your marketing strategies as needed. If your book hits a best-seller list, make sure you share that so people can celebrate with you.


Lastly, make sure you take a deep breath and appreciate this amazing moment. You’ve published a book! You’ve unleashed a piece of your heart and shared it with the world, and that is no small feat. Be proud of this accomplishment and allow yourself a chance to truly celebrate.

Christian book publishing is a journey of sharing your vision and voice with the world. At The Church Online, we are committed to supporting church leaders like you through every step of this journey—from initial concept to post-launch marketing. Ready to start your publishing journey or need more tailored advice? Call 412-349-0049 or request a consultation here. Let’s make your publishing dreams a reality!

As you take on the task of writing your book alongside your church leadership duties, it’s important to manage your workload effectively. If you ever feel overwhelmed, our recent blog post, ‘What the Bible Teaches Ministry Leaders Facing Burnout,’ offers guidance and support to help you maintain balance and well-being.